
Pursuing the best compliance and ethics practices in relationships with stakeholders is among NEQSOL Holding’s top priorities in doing business.

We base our business practice on the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. With this in view, NEQSOL Holding implemented the comprehensive Corporate Ethics and Compliance Program for all employees, vendors and business partners. The program is guided and maintained by policies and procedures such as:

- Code of Conduct (CoC) – is a set of core values and principles and provides the foundation that guides our business conduct. The Code serves as the main resource to assist our employees, clients and all other stakeholders by referring to Holding’s relevant policies, procedures and guidelines.

- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (ABC Policy) - sets out our responsibilities in dealing with anti-bribery and corruption issues and helps to avoid the occurrence of improper and illegal conduct. It encourages proper and ethical behavior in the Holding in accordance with international anti-bribery management systems, laws and regulations, other standards and worldwide best practices.

- Independent Hotline – serves as an anonymous reporting mechanism that facilitates reporting of possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct.

- Awareness and Training Programs – set of compliance training sessions to help ensure understanding across the Holding employees and contractors about our values and procedures, the prohibition of bribery and corruption and preventive measures that could be taken in case of such violation.

- Security Check and Due Diligence – procedures and processes that are aimed to verify and examine each vendor and supplier of our Holding before becoming involved in a business arrangement with us.

- Monitoring and Observation – numerous Audits and Investigations conducted on a constant basis to verify working conditions of procedures and to define shortages that may appear during their implementation.

NEQSOL Holding’s compliance policies and procedures set forth fundamental principles of collective and individual conduct that should unconditionally be followed by the entire personnel of all group companies’ personnel. We are aiming to comply with the best international standards in compliance and corporate governance.

NEQSOL Holding and Nobel Energy (formerly Nobel Oil Services) both obtained ISO 37001:2016 certificate, the first international standard that confirms the effective implementation of ABMS, the management system to fight unlawful actions. ABMS certification, an important part of Ethics & Compliance, assures the prevention, detection, and response to any unlawful action by applying the international standards and best practices in this area. The certificates were awarded following successful audits conducted by LRQA, which is part of the UK-based Lloyd’s Register Group Limited.

NEQSOL Holding is constantly improving its compliance system to analyze and mitigate the corruption risks, including the integration of anti-corruption practices.

For NEQSOL Holding, compliance means high standards of business ethics and professional behavior. The corporate conduct and business ethics policies are fundamental principles of the internal corporate behavior, interaction with the customers, business partners, state authorities and external audiences.

Hotline contacts

In line with our Speak Up Policy, we encourage all our (former) employees, candidates, volunteers, trainees, customers, group companies, business partners and other stakeholders to report any suspected or actual criminal conduct, unethical conduct, or other misconduct, including a (suspected) breach of any law using any of the below desired channels:

  • Online (anonymous) reporting tool: NEQSOL ETHICS POINT
  • Postal address: NoMa House, Gustav Mahlerlaan 1212, 1081LA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Postal address: Baku Bay Tower, 113, 8th November Ave., Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Phone number (Netherlands): 0800 2500101 (external/anonymous reporting) or +31 6 2511 2528
  • Phone number (Azerbaijan): +994 55 4422424
  • Email address:

Our Speak Up Policy and other E&C policies are available upon request.

Policies, Statements and Procedures 

Code of Conduct

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Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

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Supplier Code of Conduct

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