Investment Policy
NEQSOL Holding has adopted expansion and growth strategy, hence is very actively involved in investing activities.
Our main investing activities cover the following main categories:
- Merger and Acquisitions (M&A),
- New investments / Greenfield investments,
- Private equity investments,
- Financial securities investments.
We have adopted an investment policy as a key internal document for governing and guiding our investing activities, and based on this policy, we have categorized all business proposals into the following categories:
- Core industries – where we have a strong presence and competitive advantages.
- Businesses related to the core industries – these industries where we either do not have a presence or maintain a little presence without a significant competitive advantage, but are close to the industries that we have strong expertise. We believe that through using our expertise and competitive advantage in core businesses, we can become a significant player in those businesses, too.
- Unrelated to core industries – these industries where we do not have any presences and expertise, and are not priority businesses for us.
We focus primarily on the core industries and businesses related to the core industries within our investment screening and evaluation processes.
With the group’s Investment Policy, we have also identified certain size, geographic, and other constraints to manage investment risks and properly adhere to the shareholder's risk appetite.
We review our investment policy at least once a year in order to keep it updated so that it meets the constantly changing needs of the dynamic business environment and shareholders’ risk appetite.